Give Respect To Get Respect
I was at my dealership, Frank Myers Auto Maxx, once and I was asked to speak with an upset customer.
“Sure, I’ll be glad to.”
So I invited him into a private office where we sat down. While sharing his concern, he paused often and then would say insert words like “darn” and “heck”. It was obvious, even slightly humorous, that he was wanting to use curse words instead. After a few moments, he finally said: “I’m sorry for the stuttering but I’m really angry and I’m wanting to cuss but I know that you’re a Christian man…so I won’t.” I was caught off guard but was pleasantly surprised. Having worked with the public since 15 years old, there have many times that a customer has shown me extreme disrespect. However, this gentlemen decided to take the high road. Good for him. The respect he showed me was given right back to him. Once the conversation ended, two adults shook hands and left the office with their dignity intact. That’s the way it should always be.
As Jackie Robinson once said: “I’m not concerned with your liking or disliking me… All I ask is that you respect me as a human being.”