Every so often, you find a book with a unique personal flavor. Here is one written by Tracy Myers about the sayings of ‘Uncle Frank’. Everyone should have an Uncle Frank.
‘Uncle Frank’ gushes his wit and wisdom with an inimitable ‘down home’ flavor. His sayings (‘Frankisms’) are not the kind you would expect to hear at typical tea parties or genteel ‘coffee-klatsches’. They are, however, sage pieces of advice from a man who has lived life, understands human frailties (including his own), and who wants to give the rest of us the benefit of his hard-earned knowledge. It is his caring and ‘frank’ way of passing along to us these”nuggets” of his experience – to make us better and more successful people – that keeps our rapt attention.
Uncle Frank’s expressions are anchored in love,wisdom,integrity and experience. His ‘Frankisms’ are to be savored, implemented and lived. They highlight the values of forthrightness, honesty, and planning – advice we don’t often get in a politically correct, ‘me first’ world, …and kind of advice responsible parents or caring teachers pass along to their students. It’s like a “tough love” prescription for success!
If you are disciplined enough to adopt most of these ‘Frankisms’, some of which may be new to your way of thinking, you will be motivated to succeed with integrity. The ability to care about others while making a better life for yourself and your family are universal ideals. The vehicle to get you there is eloquently express by Uncle Franks as: “The standards set for you by others can’t be higher than the ones you set for yourself.” That is his version of the Golden Rule.
His final comment in the book on ‘quitting’ is one that none of us should ever forget!
We should read, learn and inwardly digest that one before we give up!